Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's Back and We are so Excited!!

Friday's blessings include the start of the FHU Lion Basketball season!!! We love going to the games and were able to see both the ladies and the men play last night!!!

1. Freed-Hardeman University
2. Friday night basketball games - free entertainment
3. College players who are wonderful role models for my children
4. Older kids who treat my children so well (see the picture above)
5. Kim's and my "assigned" seats for the games
6. Watching my children enjoy cheering for their heroes
7. Good friends of all ages who come together for a night of fun


  1. Go FHU!!! We're not as big basketball fans as we are football fans, but oh, well! A sport is a sport as long as they have FANS that support and cheer them, don't you think?!!

    ROLL TIDE!!!!!!

  2. Just had to pop in and say...

    ROLLL TIIIIIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE going to basketball games. They are so much fun LIVE (I really like going to them even better than football! :-)
