Thursday, December 11, 2008

Introducing a New Doctor in the Family . . ..

Yes, this is a picture of Richard (my oldest younger brother) smiling for two reasons:

1. he recently married a wonderful lady and

2. he is now Dr. James Richard Willis

That is right!!! We have just received word that he successfully defended his dissertation from Auburn University in Civil Engineering (aka: Dirt, Trains, Planes and Automobiles). He will officially walk next Friday but for all purposes he is Dr. Richard Willis!!!! He has worked so hard and it has paid off - FINALLY!!!

Richard, we are proud of you and all you have done! Keep up the great work!!!


  1. Congrats to all of you! I know (from experience) that is a HUGE day and a HUGE accomplishment.

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

    WHOA! My brian is starting to throb just thinking about a BS in civil engineering let alont a PhD! Good for him!

  3. Congrats, oldest younger brother!! (Sorry. I'm still trying to figure that part out! LOL)

  4. Awesome!!! Way to go Richard! have a brother that's a doctor!!!! Cool.

  5. that is awesome... it is so nice when it is DONE... what a double blessing.. this and getting married. Merry Christmas to him!

  6. Stopping by from SITS to say hi. Congrats to your brother!

  7. hooray for him! us mechanical and electrical engineer's always joked with the civil engineers that one day they would grow up and quit playing with dirt...i guess it paid off for bro!

  8. Congratulations Richard. That is a huge accomplishment. Becky, I know you are proud.
