Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monkey See . . . Monkey Do

One of the things Carter loves about being with the FHU baseball team is helping take care of the field at the end of the games. He will watch (and participate when he can) every move they make as they all work together to take care of the field.
Saturday, Damon and Carter had been outside playing baseball. Damon came in and I asked where Carter was. We looked out the window to find him taking care of his baseball field.
He took his time and cared for the field just like the big guys.
Just like Garrett taking care of home plate
Making sure the dirt is off the field.
The baseball boys called this something which
I don't remember what. However, here
is Carter taking care of the pitcher's mound.
It has to be perfect.

I have always told the college kids to be careful because my kids (and others) watch
I think these pictures prove it.

1 comment:

  1. How funny! I will have to show Seth this post! He will be so proud of Carter!
