Each year for the kids' school's Fall Festival, classes get Christmas trees and decorate them to be auctioned the night of the festival. Carter's class has an ocean themed room and choose to decorate their tree in that same theme. I was blessed to be able to go and help them make these ornaments for their tree.

Carter and his class tree

Painting their hands with their fingers slightly apart, we made two handprints and turned them into octopi. Just added google eyes and we were ready to go!

Each child was given a dry jumbo shell which they painted red. We added red pipe cleaners to the inside and google eyes on top - Viola! a super cute crab!

We also painted their hands orange - spreading the thumb and pinky apart to make a fish for the tree. Again, a simple google eye and little smiley face = super cute fish!
Also starfish (another mom made these so I am not sure how it was done) were made, glitter added and that was a perfect addition to the beach themed Christmas tree.
Another mother in Carter's class and I went in to buy this tree. We placed it back in the classroom for the kids to enjoy and, then at Christmas, we will divide the ornaments up for all the kids to take home - their little hands are only that little for so long!
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