Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dinner with the "W"

Each year Freed Hardeman University holds its Benefit Dinner.  Former sports stars, politicians, actresses, actors, etc. have all been a part of this special night.  This year's Benefit Dinner speaker was former President George W. Bush.  I had the pleasure of hearing both his father and mother at previous Benefit Dinners and was excited about this one.  Mom and Dad had two extra tickets, and invited me and LB (the president obsessed granddaughter!) to go along for the night.  We were all very excited!
Grandad and LB at dinner

We were so excited to hear Mr. Bush!

Gran, LB and Grandad

Even Whitney was there!
It was a wonderful night!! The best part was seeing Laura Beth's face light up when she saw President Bush behind the curtains before he came on stage! We will always remember our night with the "W!"

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