While in Atlanta for one game, we might as well stay for another one since we drove all that way. We were treated to a MAJOR surprise when the kids (and parents) got to walk to the warning track all around the field before the game. Carter thought this was the best thing EVER!! He got very close to the dugout where he saw thousands of batting gloves (one of his favorite baseball supplies) as well as Glen Hubbard (the Braves first base coach - also seen in the top right picture). Carter peeks in the dug out and said, "Hey, Hubbard!" to which Glen was most gracious and said, "Hey, kid!" We loved looking for us on the big screen and stopping for pictures at important places. Carter even climbed the outfield wall to "catch a fly ball just like the big buys." What a time we had!

We were able to get up close and personal to a few of our favorite players and even met one of the Reds' players - Wladmir Balentine. He was so kind to throw LB a ball and then came over to give both kids autographs. Carter got a ball from "Kitchen" (real name is Kenshin) Kawakami - a new pitcher for the Braves this year

Carter has favorites on every baseball team with the exception of maybe two. With the Reds he has 3 or 4 favorite players so his sign for Sunday's game was "6 year old divided" and he listed the players he liked for both teams.

Then to continue the birthday celebration, he asked for a homerun. David Ross delivered that one for him with a monster shot! Carter was so excited!
Not to be out done, LB made her sign and cheered for her team just as loudly as Carter did! We got an extra bonus with 3 innings of free baseball that day! It was a long day but we all enjoyed the cool breeze that blew our way and just being together as a family.