I never know what Carter is going to do or say anymore. He keeps me on my toes on more than one level. I have to write these down so one day far down the road, I will remember these sayings that keep me on my toes.
A Bottomless Pit
Coming home from school one day, I asked him how he was liking school. He looked at me with a look of disgust and replied, "We only eat two times a day!" (Clarification here - he eats ALL the time!)
A Limited Vocabulary
One day he was not doing the smartest or wisest things in the house. I looked at him saying, "Carter, could you please engage your brain?" Stopping and scratching his head he said, "How could I marry my brain?" (If he had been 13, I would have thought he was a smart alec but realized that was the only way he had ever heard this word.)
Hearing Aids for a 6-year old?
Carter was sitting at the bar completely engrossed in writing baseball line-ups. I asked him to do something and kept on going. Later, I came back to see that the task had not been done. I asked him if he had heard what I had said. He looked at me and said, "I am sorry, Mom. I am hearing like Pop today - not so good.
Santa's Wish List
Carter had asked Santa this year for a Derek Jeter Yankee jersey. In our house, we have a rule that says, "Momma, Daddy or Santa buys Mets or Yankee things." So, I have been asking Carter if he really thought Santa would bring him that jersey. The other day I asked him what he would do if Santa didn't bring him the Jeter jersey. He thought for a moment and said, "Then I will ask for magical powers! Ha Ha Ha!! (an evil but not-so-evil laugh)" Great!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
So Good To Be Home
We enjoyed the FHU Homecoming activities again this year. It was wierd not being completely involved this year as we have been the past 6 years but it was nice as well. We enjoyed seeing the college kids as always - a HUGE highlight for my kids!
LB, Riley, Carter, David, Chelsey and Tyler
Carter with Adam at the basketball game
Laura Beth was my photographer for this picture! Thanks, dear!
It was Damon and my 10 year reunion so we got to meet up with some of our friends from the past. We missed a lot but enjoyed being with the ones that were there. For supper, we met some of my friends from the dorm and enjoyed reliving moments as well as realizing some things never change! It was so good to come home!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A Snowman Themed Christmas Tree
Laura Beth's class made a snowman Christmas themed tree. I was able to go and help make these ornaments as well.
Laura Beth and Madlyn standing by their tree
These cute ornaments were made using white paint and each child's thumb.
Three thumb prints on top of each other with paint pens used to add
the embellishments.
These clear ornaments were stuffed with the fake snow you can buy at Hobby Lobby.
We cut pipe cleaners, added pom poms and hot glued them to the top for the earmuffs. Each child was able to draw their snowman's face on the ball. Super cute and super easy!
Three thumb prints on top of each other with paint pens used to add
the embellishments.
We cut pipe cleaners, added pom poms and hot glued them to the top for the earmuffs. Each child was able to draw their snowman's face on the ball. Super cute and super easy!
An Ocean Themed Christmas Tree
Each year for the kids' school's Fall Festival, classes get Christmas trees and decorate them to be auctioned the night of the festival. Carter's class has an ocean themed room and choose to decorate their tree in that same theme. I was blessed to be able to go and help them make these ornaments for their tree.
Carter and his class tree
Painting their hands with their fingers slightly apart, we made two handprints and turned them into octopi. Just added google eyes and we were ready to go!
Each child was given a dry jumbo shell which they painted red. We added red pipe cleaners to the inside and google eyes on top - Viola! a super cute crab!
We also painted their hands orange - spreading the thumb and pinky apart to make a fish for the tree. Again, a simple google eye and little smiley face = super cute fish!
Also starfish (another mom made these so I am not sure how it was done) were made, glitter added and that was a perfect addition to the beach themed Christmas tree.
Another mother in Carter's class and I went in to buy this tree. We placed it back in the classroom for the kids to enjoy and, then at Christmas, we will divide the ornaments up for all the kids to take home - their little hands are only that little for so long!
So Sad
Those of you who follow my blog and see my prayer requests have seen Mallerie Graves' name on my prayer list. Mallerie, at 17 years old, lost her battle with a rare disease (of which I am not even going to try to describe) early in the morning on November 1. I have known Mallerie since before she was born. Her mother, Tina, has cut my hair for forever. Even when we lived in Maryland and Nashville, I would come in for Tina to cut my hair.
The kids took to Mallerie the times they had seen and played with her at the beauty shop. For a year now they have prayed daily for Mallerie and her family. Laura Beth is my "hold it in" child and has not said a whole lot about Mallerie's passing. Carter has moped around the whole day saying how sad he is and has been very clingy.
The big question going around now is "Why?" Carter especially has been wondering why Natalie was made better (another 17 year old who had been diagnosed with cancer that we knew) and Mallerie was not made better. A good question. I am sure many people - including Natalie - are asking that same question.
So here we are - hurting like nothing we have in a long time. Please pray for Tina, Brad and Heath (Mallerie's family), those at St. Jude's who knew and helped her, friends at the high school and our community. It feels like we have lost so many young people in our community and, being so small and so close, it hurts every time because we know each in some way.
As for us, we are trying to stay positive for the kids' sake and holding while treasuring each child a little longer and a little closer than ever before.
St. Jude's is doing such a wonderful thing. Please support them any chance you have. Both Mallerie's family and Natalie's family have teams running in the St. Jude's marathon this year.
The kids took to Mallerie the times they had seen and played with her at the beauty shop. For a year now they have prayed daily for Mallerie and her family. Laura Beth is my "hold it in" child and has not said a whole lot about Mallerie's passing. Carter has moped around the whole day saying how sad he is and has been very clingy.
The big question going around now is "Why?" Carter especially has been wondering why Natalie was made better (another 17 year old who had been diagnosed with cancer that we knew) and Mallerie was not made better. A good question. I am sure many people - including Natalie - are asking that same question.
So here we are - hurting like nothing we have in a long time. Please pray for Tina, Brad and Heath (Mallerie's family), those at St. Jude's who knew and helped her, friends at the high school and our community. It feels like we have lost so many young people in our community and, being so small and so close, it hurts every time because we know each in some way.
As for us, we are trying to stay positive for the kids' sake and holding while treasuring each child a little longer and a little closer than ever before.
St. Jude's is doing such a wonderful thing. Please support them any chance you have. Both Mallerie's family and Natalie's family have teams running in the St. Jude's marathon this year.
That is what Carter was this Halloween. What inspired him you say? His friend Lawson's Halloween costume and a pair of vampire teeth from school. Put that all together and we got this . . . .
While the girls were in Nashville, Carter was in his room getting this outfit together. He wore it trick or treating Saturday night around the neighborhood. Damon added the eye black around his eyes and Grandad added the "blood" at the mouth. He is so creative! Kudos to Damon who thought to take pictures in my absence!
A Day on the Prairie
Halloween afternoon and night was spent in an unusual way this year but very much worthwhile! My mom, Laura Beth, Kim and Katy Scott and I took off to Nashville to see Little House on the Prairie: The Musical. We would have gone anyways because it is Little House but to make it even better Melissa Gilbert (who played Laura in the tv show) played Ma!!!! It was great! We all loved the show so much and I have come home ready to reread the books again! Check it out if it comes near you - it is wonderful!
Carter's Halloween Party
I am so glad I am able to take off and go whenever I want to be with my kids! What a HUGE blessing! I love being at parties and at centers and just being there when they want me. Today I was able to go to TWO Halloween parties - unfortunately I only have pictures from one - Carter's. (Sorry, LB, I will make it up to you later!) We had a great time at the party doing Halloween centers and eating, eating, eating! Carter is so blessed to have such a wonderful teacher and so many of his close friends in his class. It makes days like this even more fun!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Halloween Treats for Your Mummy
These Halloween treats were a huge hit this year at our house! They will be made again next year for those special Halloween nights.
Hot Dog Mummies
one package of hot dogs
one package of refrigerated breadsticks
mustard or ketchup
Wrap each hot dog with a breadstick as seen above. Cook in oven according to breadstick directions. Add mustard eyes and ketchup blood for additions. Eat and enjoy!
Cheese pizzas or bagel bites
String cheese
Black olives, sliced
Place the cheese pizzas on a pizza sheet. Tear apart the string cheese and lay it on the pizzas leaving room for the eyes. Add the sliced black olives for the eyes. Cook in the oven according to the instructions on the pizza. Enjoy!
Halloween Pumpkin Carving
We enjoyed our college kids Ashley and Alex coming over to begin pumpkin carving. We had some difficulties with the pumpkins this year - they were really thick! However, it did not stop us from having a blast and just enjoying each other's company.
Halloween Friends
Halloween Crafts for Others
This year we made special Halloween crafts to give away to special friends during the Halloween holiday. The kids loved making the ghosts and spiders and had even more fun figuring out who to give them to.
Trick or Treat 2009
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