Friday, July 6, 2012

Book Review: Touching the Sky

WOW! I have a love/hate relationship with a good book.  While I love reading them . . . I hate it because once I get into a good book nothing else happens! That is just what happened with the newest book from Tracie Peterson, Touching the Sky.  Bethany House sent me a free copy to read if I would write a review about it, and I am so glad they did.

I really enjoy Mrs. Peterson's books.  This is the second in a series based in Texas.  I read the first book in this series, Chasing the Sun,  not too long ago, and loved it.  However, this one may be my favorite.  Based in Corpus Christi, Texas, after the Civil War, Laura and her family must face the fact that because they supported the Union in a Confederate state, they are not well liked.  On top of this, Brandon Reid and his black troop of Union soldiers are still hanging around town and people are ready for them to leave.  People are still at war with each other and Laura wonders if the Civil War will really ever end.  She realizes that a lot of things may be like trying to Touch the Sky - almost impossible.  Despite the hard times Laura is facing, her sister Carissa has fallen in love with a Confederate soldier and Laura does not have a good feeling about it.  At the wedding, Laura overhears her now brother-in-law plotting something that could bring them all to their end.  She reaches out to Brandon, who has been aware that this could be the ring leader the army has been looking for, to try to help her sister.  Trying to save her sister . . . trying to teach the newly freed slaves to read . . . trying to fall in love . . . it all feels like it is out of her reach.  Laura gets a little too involved and may be in trouble.

Tracie Peterson had me from the very beginning and keeps you right in the palm of her hand as you read the book.  A wonderful summer read that you will be so glad you picked up!

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