LB's book club took the summer off for various reasons, but we hit the ground running with the first book of the year
A Royal Diary: Anastasia the Last Grand Duchess. The girls enjoyed reading the diary "written" by Anastasia. We had some great discussions about what it would be like to live in Russia and the legend behind Anastasia.
For the decorations, we raided my grandfather's house. He has been to Russia at least 13 times on mission work. I thought the table turned out pretty well.
A Russian Royal Tea Menu:
Hot Tea - in a variety of flavors
tiny cucumber sandwiches
pimento cheese sandwiches
ham and cheese sandwiches
vegetable tray
fruit tray
cheese and crackers
Russian tea cookies
After we talked about the book, we introduced our theme for the year. Last year, we read books that helped us see other people and what we could do to help them. This year, we are going to read books about real girls (or fictional girls who teach us great lessons) and we are going to look for ways to apply their strong characteristics in our lives. The next book we are going to read is
The Courage of Sarah Noble.
They are excited! |
and already started reading it . . .
I hope they enjoy it!