Thursday night we were able to see these sweeties play soccer. My sweetie (who is the only brunette in the picture) and her teammates played one tough team and did very well. They are getting better and better. We have laughed at how this team is the under 40 (pounds, that is) team. They are the youngest team and the smallest team. They are also the least aggressive team!! However, they are loving each other and the game which is all that counts at this point in time.
This picture cracks me up!! This is from last night and just proves the point that we are smaller than most of our opponents!!! David vs Goliath!!!
Little Miss thinks it is her duty during Little Man's games to help her dad coach. She will yell advice from the sidelines and gets bored pretty easily!! What does Little man do during Little Miss's game? Ran in continual circles for almost an hour straight playing for the Tennessee Titans!!!
What a night and what a sport!!

Wow - you're right they ARE smaller....glad they are having fun - that's all that counts.
This is my son's fave much fun to watch them out there. cherry
Your kiddo's are super cute in their sport uniforms! They look like their having a lot of fun too! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! I'll be coming back to visit for sure.
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