Some of my blogging friends have a special day on Friday called, "My Husband Rocks." They take the time to look at all the wonderful things their husbands have done for them and the family. I have never done this, but thought I needed to have my own "My Husband Rocks" day. So, Damon, this one is for you!!!

As a dad, Damon is wonderful. He shows them they are important by getting on their level when talking to them . . . playing game after game after game with them . . . wrestling with them . . . reading to them . . . teaching them about God and how to live a life for Him.
As a husband, Damon is amazing. He always takes the time to show and tell me how much he appreciates what I do for him, the kids and our family . . . he takes the kids away at times to give me alone time . . . he takes charge of bath time at night so I can clean the kitchen or get ready for the next day . . . he lets me go out with my girlfriends for a night.
As a Christian, Damon is unwavering. People do not know all the things he does because he is not the one who wants to be in front of people all the time. He would prefer people not to know what he does and prefers not to be the one out in front. He works with all ages - teaching young children in Bible class (when most men won't) and planning VBS . . . being a friend to the teens - one they can call to play a game of pick up basketball . . . encouraging the college kids to get involved with the church work and providing them an example of how to be a Christian father and husband . . . helping the seniors plan their special day once a year and working behind the scenes all day so they can enjoy their special day.
The main reason I am praising him today is because of all that has gone on with him the past month. While he was disappointed in his job loss, he did not keep his head down. He has gotten out there and pursued jobs. He has put COUNTLESS hours in on our new house getting it ready for us to move in (hopefully this week!!). He knows his God is in control and His timing is not our own. He is waiting patiently for God's will to be shown, but is not just sitting around waiting for it to happen.
Thank you, Damon, for your love, friendship and wonderful example to all of us! We love you very much!
So sweet. Isn't it wonderful to have a husband that we can lean on in hard times to be strength to us even when their the ones that need the strength. You are definitely blessed.
Becky, I wanted to check in to see if you received the gift that I sent to you. Teresa
so sweet! i hope you read this to him. i bet he will appreciate your sweet words.
A sweet post! :)
That was very nice Becky!! You and Damon make a great team!!
You have a wonderful husband, Becky. In today's world, good Christian men who love the Lord and put their families first are very hard to find. You and I are truly blessed.
I would say that you both make a wonderful couple!
How sweet! Damon is a great guy, Russell and I really enjoy spending time around him! We are praying for y'all!!
How blessed we are to have such amazing guys in our lives! :)
Damon is so lucky to have you! I know that things will work out for the best - and you're right on God's timetable not ours. Love you!!
What a wonderful tribute. I can see the love shining through in the words of your post!
I am very thankful for Damon too! He has always meant alot to our kids, too!! We love you both!
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