I can't believe you are going to be eight!!!! Where has time gone? I remember the day you were born and how concerned we were with all the problems you had after your birth. However, one would never know it by looking at you now.

This year at has been another great year for you. You have kept playing baseball (all year long) as well as soccer last fall. This spring we told you to choose between fall baseball and fall soccer. You chose baseball. You were FINALLY able to go Mid-South Youth Camp as a junior camper, and, for someone, who won't spend the night away from home unless you HAVE to, you say you are ready to spend the night. (We shall see.) Another big first for you this year, was participating in worship service at church. The youth group led the worship service one night and you led the opening song. You really thought you had arrived and we were so proud of you for getting up there!!! You have also led songs before the devotional on Wednesday night and we are so proud of the decisions you have made to become a young man for the Lord.

I tell people you really keep me on my toes because I never know what is going to come out of your mouth or what you are going to do. However tired it makes me, I can't imagine my life without you! You are so thoughtful of others. At school you always befriend those who need a friend and encourage those who need a kind word. I call you MY Barnabas because you always encourage me and lift my spirits right when I need it. While this makes me happy, hearing from others that you do the same thing for other people makes my heart soar. I hope you ALWAYS continue to do this. You are such a good friend to those your own age as well as those who are younger than you. I also love your relationship with the BIG guys. You are quick to tell anyone that Hunter is your best friend and that you want to be just like him when you grow up. Go for it!!!! You could not have picked a better example and we all LOVE watching the two of you interact with each other. I know you were both so glad to see each other last night - FINALLY!

We are just so proud of you. We are proud of the way you treat people. We are proud of your desire to do things for God. We are proud of the way you play ball and how you know sooooo much about it. We are proud of all your hard work in school. We are proud of you! I don't know why God chose ME to be your mother but I am so glad He did. You have blessed our lives in so many different ways and I can't wait to see what all He has in store for us in the years ahead.
I love you!