Sunday, May 30, 2010

Homerun Hero

Since it was Spring Break, we decided to head to Jackson to see our Lion baseball team play a double header. It was a beautiful day for baseball and we enjoyed ourselves. During the game, Noslen Labrada hit a homerun. Carter believes it is his job to go and find the homerun balls the guys hit. Carter found it and gave it to Nos. Nos was so gracious, gave the ball to Carter, and signed it for him! We have enjoyed getting to know Nos and enjoyed watching him play. He will be missed next year! Thanks, Nos, for the memories!

BTW - We were searching for a pen so Nos could sign it. I found a High School Musical pen and gave it to Carter. He looked at me and said, "I am NOT giving him a girl pen! How embarassing!" We found another one to take its place.

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