Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Apples of MY Eye

I sent my "little" ones off to school today.  They are not so little anymore, but they are still my babies (and always will be).  

Carter is off to second grade!!!  He has the new teacher (our new minister's wife) and his adopted grandmother from last year, Mrs. Stella.  He has a classroom FULL of his friends and he is ready for a great year!!!

Laura Beth has graduated to the MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!! That is fourth and fifth grade here.  She has one of our dear friends, Diane Holdren, as her teacher.  She is so excited! She always has said she wanted Ms. Diane and that Ms. Diane would probably scream when she saw her name on the roster.  Well, she did!!!!  Laura Beth is continuing with four of her friends that she has been with for the last FOUR years as well as a few others.  All three elementary schools have merged into this school, so there are a lot of kids in her class she does not know.  We have faith in her though!

You are the apple of my eye!
That's why you'll always be in my heart!"
- Stevie Wonder

LB with Ms. Diane (or Ms. Holdren as we now have to call her)

Carter and Mrs. Judy

Carter and Mrs. Stella - his class' grandmother

1 comment:

Julie said...

wow, your kiddos started school already. Sounds like you made is super special and they are going to have a fun year!

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