Sunday, December 28, 2014

Deep in the Heart of Texas: Austin

After having some time around the university, we met up with Dustin's family to see Austin.
Austin is a neat city.  I heard the motto is "Keep Austin Weird" but I really liked what we did and what we saw as we went through the city.
There were lots of places to choose from when it came to eating.
For lunch, we chose Moonshine.

I would recommend it highly!!! Fabulous food of all kinds and we loved the outdoor eating area!
After eating, we needed to walk around so we walked the streets taking in all of the sights of this city. I loved the different buildings and random works of art we would see as we went through.

For a snack/supper, we stopped at a cool little ice cream place called "Berry Austin."
It was cool and very Austin.
The walls, counters, stools, etc were all made from different items as you can see from the pictures.

Then, on the counters, they had iSpy games for you to do as you enjoyed your treat.

We did stay to see the bats leave from the South Congress Bridge but my camera was hijacked during that event.  So, the pictures weren't the best in the world.  We really enjoyed our time in Austin.

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