Have you ever had one of those days or weeks when you think you could just disappear and no one would know you had left? Things just aren't going your way and the further you go the further you seem to get behind. On those days, I just want to run away, but I don't.
I find myself in a place where I am the star.
I find myself around people who cheer me on - more than booing me.
I find myself where I can shine.
I find myself where I can scream or sing as loud as I want.
I find myself downstairs.
I find myself playing his toy.
I find myself playing Guitar Hero
I know that no matter what anyone else says . . . . .

Hello. My name is Becky and I am addicted to Guitar Hero!
ROFL!!! I so know what you mean. We got Rock Band for Christmas and we ROCKED too. I was always the lead singer - Cowboy and Itchy on the bass and guitar and Nerdfish on the drums.
TOO FUN!! I applaud you for the Guitar Hero stardom though - I can do the drums on RB but guitar on RB or GH - forget it - I get booooooed.
You go, Girl!!
Laura took the words right out of my mouth! :-)
hahahaha - this post is soooo LOL-funny! And your blog is beautiful - I love the patriotic colors.
Thanks for visiting my blog thru BATW and leaving such kind words.
Blessings, Susan
I love guitar hero, and I love that you rock on it!! Perfect. I think all moms should!
Keep Rockin'
LOL! I love it!!!
Cute kids! Keep up the good work :)
That's too funny!
Thanks for visiting my blog, too.
We just got a Wii this summer, and I think we'll all be joining you in becoming Guitar Heroes by Christmas. It seems like so much fun!
So totally agree! Wii is the best purchase of 2008. Hands down.
I SOOOOOO want Guitar Hero! Happy SITS day!
We recently got a Wii and I've been wanting to get Guitar Hero...fun for the whole family!!
Rock on!
Woohoo...you go!!
Them games are so addicting....ahh!!
I can rock out with Bon Jovi like no tomorrow! Up for a challenge??? :)
That's funny maybe I need to get guitar hero!
we have it..but I've never attempted to play.
we havent' got to Guitar Hero yet, but Santa very kindly bought us a Wii for Christmas and now we are like a family OBSESSED.
Now if only I could whip hubby's ass at tennis I'd be a happy happy woman!
Congrats on your SITS day! I understand. We have been over at our friends' a lot recently playing Rock Band. It's the only way I can feel like I am musically awesome.
I see that you follow Bring the Rain on your sidebar. I love that blog - she is the only one that could make me laugh and cry all in one post. =)
I am currently in love with being a super hero (Justice League: Heros, playstation 2).
Somedays you just need to kick little behind.
Love the post.
Cute post! I've not tried playing Guitar Hero. Is that the one that hooks up the Wii?
I stink at video games, but you obviously do rock, and you are saucy too! I do however, rock at WII bowling. I am the Queen of Bowling. BAHAHAHAHA
That's great...I didn't see where you were going with this! I've never gotten into any of the video games, so I don't "get" it yet.
I've just GOT to try that game! Happy Sits Day!
Hi from Sits...you go girl!
My family is addicted to rock band...play it for hours!
Too funny! Have fun rockin' it out! Happy SITS Day!
Oh, how I envy you! The cheering, the rock-ness. Oh, yes, I would love to play!
Happy SITS day!
It's funny how many moms are addicted to that game. :) Rock on!
I've GOT to try Guitar Hero...I really feel like I'm missing something (and I am VERY competitive!) Happy SITS Day to you...enjoy your day basking in the limelight!!
Can't say I've ever played but it sounds like fun and if it makes you feel this good it's gotta be a good thing!!
I'm here from SITS! Too funny, and I know exactly where you are coming from; in fact I just blogged about my little obsession last week!!
One of the cutest and funniest things I have ever seen was about a year ago in a Best Buy. I sat and watched a mother and her son - who couldn't have been any more than 8, play this game. She didn't want to but he cajoled her for some time and eventually she forgot she was in a crowded retail electronics store and was totally rocking out. Both she and her son were totally oblivious to everyone around them. It was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen!
Needless to say, that kid walked out with Guitar Hero that day. But I'm still not certain who was more excited about it...him or his mom!
Congrats again on your SITS day!
Auds at Barking Mad!
I'm afraid to try Guitar Hero, I know I will become addicted!
I am addicted to Guitar Hero too! Guitar Hero World Tour has some really good new songs...love it!
Ha! You do rock!
What a great way to take a little break from a bad day.
Too funny!
My brother got that game a few christmases ago and I can not play it to save my life. I am pathetic....oh well haha I'd rather be blogging anyway. :D
Visiting from SITS --
So funny! My hubby just got this for Christmas. I'm not very good at it, yet.
My husdband wanted this for Christmas! Maybe for his birthday:)
I got this way, playing with my daughter's Webkinz games on the computer.
Guitar Hero is awesome!! :)
LOL. You DO rock!!!
We got GH World Tour for the girls for Christmas this year and I swear the one who has played it the most is my husband! Although my eldest daughter is getting pretty good on the guitar.
I have yet to even try it!
I could have written this post myself!
Wonderful post! I could actually see it in my head. You've had enough! It's rock-n-roll time! Would this be your supermommy's alter ego, Rock'n girl?
We are also addicted to it in our home! We have the World Tour now and I can't get enough of the bass nor the drums. It rocks!
Congrats on your SITS feature!
Hey, I know the feeling. I'm Nana and I'm addicted too.
Me too! Although we don't play as much anymore, I used to rock it out. Then we got Rock Band and I was designated as the singer.
Not sure if that was good...
LOL! I've been addicted to plenty of video games, but can't quite get there with Guitar Hero because I'm so bad at it :) Good for you...we moms need our escape from the day-in-day-out!
They should have you do their marketing, too funny.
Guitar Hero has never told me that "I rock!" b/c I totally suck at that game and it makes my eyes go all wiggity womp (technical video game term!!) Good for you! Too cute!
LOL! That's awesome! i'm with you girl! we just got the wii and rock band and i find myself struggling to stay out of the game room when the family is gone....i just want to go in there and rock on....i'm glad i'm not alone!
LOL I love it....My husband just got it for Christmas (or should we say got it again this time for xbox instead of wii) and I think I might have to sneak and play it too...have a great day ;)
You do rock, Becky! We got Guitar Hero for Christmas, and my boys are so good at it. Nine-year-old Carson plays the guitar and is so relaxed, singing along and barely missing a note. I like the drums, but I am totally stressed out hoping I don't bring the band down, and I have only mastered 3 out of 5 drums. Blue and green I just have to ignore. So you are a star!
Visiting from SITS! I know what you mean, me and my hubby get addicted to video games really quickly and forget everything else!
Frankly, I suck rocks at Guitar Hero... but there are a few other games that I may forego sleep in the middle of the night to play... shhh... hubby thinks it's insomnia :)
LOL...I soooo get you. Video games were what dh and I would do on our lazy sundays before we had kids...There have been times in the recent past that I have spent way to much time trying to get through mario sunshine...so I get you...yes I do.
I keep hearing about this game! I want one!!! Happy SITS day!
You goofy gal! I have got to check this out.
I think there should be Guitar Heroes Anonymous for adults who are addicted to the game! hehe....
I've never played Guitar Hero but I have played Rock Band, and let's just say it was not pretty! Congrats on your Sits Day! Happy SITS Day! Woohoo!!!!
LOL! I haven't played Guitar Hero, but I do love playing the Wii games. It's great to have a supporting audience (even if it IS only the computer...lol).
Happy SITS day to you!
I have never tried Guitar Hero, because I'm a SAHM who also goes to school from home online. I'm afraid if I enjoy games like that, I'll never get anything done!
Haha, you are too funny! We just got Rock Band for the wii but I have yet to play it! Because I too, will probably get addicted & sooo don't need to do that to myself, hehe. Have a nice day :-)
Feel no shame. The first step is admitting it.
Ok! How FUN is this game. We also have Rock Band and I think my teen is tired of me asking him to play with me. I guess I need to go solo.
Congrats on your SITS day!
Rock on, Becky!
Rock on, Becky!
Love it. You go girl and rock for all it's worth.
Rock on SITSTA. I really need to try that game soon :)
Whenever a song from guitar hero comes on, I can't help button mine the buttons on the guitar.
Heather B(not that Heather!), fellow SITSta.
I feel for you. I used to be addicted to Guitar Hero too, but I got over it (i.e. Rock Band came out so I switched over).
Hey! Congrats on your SITS feature. I'm glad you picked this post. I'm also glad that there are so many other people out there who love the game. Sometimes I feel like the only adult who plays it...
Our kids aren't even old enough to play, and yet we still own it and play it just about every night!
Guitar Hero is awesome! Happy SITS day!
Enjoy your SITS day! I am sure that guitar hero is fun but I dont know the premise of the game. Other than you play the guitar of course.
my kids are SO into guitar hero. they got the guitar hero that has the drum and microphone...don't remember what it's called...probably something like...guitar hero driving mom mad...
but anyway...
congrats on the saucy-ness!!
A worship leader friend told me something interesting. She said that Guitar Hero can be really hard for actual guitarists. And people who are really good at Guitar Hero have trouble playing a real guitar. I found that amusing.
Oh I'm with you!!! I'm very much addicted to the world tour version with the whole band set! Why didn't they make these things 10 years ago when I was in my teens?
I haven't tried that yet. I probably shouldn't since I can be a video game junkie. I spent Christmas vacation playing the kids new Wii so much that my body was very angry at me. Happy SITS day!
Cant relate to you on the whole GH thing, sorry. But love that you have a great outlet to finally be "noticed". I guess my thing is baking something with my bare hands that I know is going to taste great and then forcing people to eat in front of me so I see how much they like it. Anyone? Anyone else? TMI? Sorry...love the blog. Keep on rockin' out in the basement sitsa!
My best, Lynn
lol! love it! i haven't played for a long time, but i adore that game, too! i should get on there tonite! :) thanks for reminding me! - hope you're enjoying your SITS day!
I love Guitar Hero too!! Great blog! :)
I don't think you are alone in that addiction!! :)
I tried it a few times and it was too hard for me. :p I'm more of a Donkey Konga kind of girl. I can do bongo drums.
Hahaha! Never played...
Happy SITS day!
I have friends who are addicted to Guitar Hero. I only play once in a while so I stink at it. LOL Happy SITS day!
How funny! The hubby got Rock Band for Christmas and we have since been playing almost every night. It's not an every day occurrence to hear a mom shouting "Don't touch my toy!" to their child... but Rock band can do that to you. :)
Hehe you go, girl.
I know what you mean about the addictions- I live with gamer girlie after all. ;)
Funny how a little thing like not getting booed can give us such a high.
You are hilarious! I am still laughing at this post. I have never tried Guitar Hero, but maybe we will have to get it--this mom needs some adoring love too! Hehe!
You too! Welcome to Guitar Hero Anonymous.
Oh, that is a GREAT post! Too funny! Mine is Wii bowling--my post on that is almost ready. ;-)
I'm so glad I checked in at SITS today and found out it's your big day! I've been a delinquent, I'm afraid.
Sometimes, escape is the only answer! And what better way than with GH!
Love it! No better way to unwind and let loose than with a little Guitar Hero! What's even better is when the whole family gets into it. We all play together (kinda - hubby and I play, kids dance and sing)and then my 3 yr old looks at me and says "Mommy, you rock".... Have a great SITS day and "YOU ROCK"
Personally, I have never played Guitar Hero. But it sounds like I really need to give it a shot.
- a SITSta
Visiting from SITS.
Is it crazy for me to want this game for my 55th birthday next month?
my hubby loves this game, me not so much. But you go and rock on!
I've never played, but the way you describe it sounds heavenly...and very addicting!!
Um, yeah. You can join the support group I'm forming for my hubs to attend. He is totally addicted.
We don't have Guitar Hero yet, but wii love bowling and tennis and baseball. Oh my!
Oh, that is HILARIOUS! If only I had such a great place where everyone thought I rocked ;)
You summed up how I sometimes feel so well! Keep Rockin' On Girl!
Rock on, sister, rock on.
Happy SITS day rockstar!
I've only played it a few times, but it is a blast
Visiting from SITS...and I'm also a Guitar Hero addict!
Happy SITS day! When we first got Rock Band my husband and I were totally addicted to it. It's so fun!
I'm a tad late (I usually am) but I hope you enjoyed your day basking in the SITS love :)
We haven't tried this game yet... my girls are 5 and 7 and I'm not sure if they're old enough for it. But it looks like it would be a blast for the grown-ups, LOL!
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