Tuesday after the wedding, we took Laura Beth out of school early (I know we are bad, but you would not want to drive through Memphis at 5:00 either!) to head to Texas. We rarely get to go to Texas over Thanksgiving because of Damon having to work up until the Wednesday before. It makes for a long trip for everyone and a very long recovery. However, we were able to go this year and we all enjoyed a house full of four generations for our Thanksgiving meal.

Mama C, Damon's mom, had lots of "help" in the kitchen. Laura Beth did a great job setting the table and doing other odd jobs for Mama C. Granny
Welch, who came in 6 hours to see all of us, was the biggest help for Mama C and we were all VERY thankful to have this special lady with us.

We have all learned to take advantage of every opportunity you have and I will always take pictures with grandparents and great grandparents when given the opportunity. We will treasure these pictures of Granny
Welch with her son, grandsons and great grandchildren.
Things I am blessed with and thankful for:
1. a vehicle to keep us safe on trips
2. safety on long trips
3. not having to stop to eat (it makes the 6 hour trip SO much faster)
4. music to fill our car
5. when the children sleep on trips
6. a quiet back seat on trips (means they are getting along)
7. getting through Memphis by 1:00
8. getting in by dark
9. family greetings
10. cousins
11. In-laws who are glad you came
12. a sarcastic older brother in law
13. my sister in law, Rebecca (we share so much - including names!!)
14. my children building relationships with family
15. Target
16. Starbucks
17. coffemate for coffee (thanks, Amy!)
18. not having to get up at 3:45 to go shopping
19. the alarm going off at 6:30 instead!
20. Canasta card games
21. divided houses for rival football games
22. Colt McCoy's Christian example to my children
23. A Texas stomping of A&M (my husband was happy!)
24. a quick healing tongue (LB bit 2 holes in her tongue while playing)
25. children sleeping past 7:00
26. Lifeway Christian Bookstore's Black Friday sales
27. finishing one Christmas present while in Texas
28. my children WANTING to watch the Macy's parade with me
29. snuggle times with my Addison
30. pillow fights with my Addison and Johnathan