I have not had a meditation in a long time, but ,as I was doing my Bible study this morning feeling very weary already for a Monday morning, I was shown this scripture on which I will lean on completely over this next week.
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power." - Ephesians 6:10
We are reminded that no matter what life brings our way we do not have to rely on our own strength to get through it. We can and should lean and live on God's strength. We sometimes think we have all the resources and creativity to handle things on our own, but my experiences show that this makes us only weaker. We need His power in our every day lives and we need His strength to make it through each event in our lives.
May God bless us as we look to Him for strength.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Little House in the Church Activity Center

Laura Beth blowing out her candles.

The table centerpieces that were later taken to Laura Beth's great grandmothers in the nursing home.

Laura Beth's cake that Gran Willis made.
Well, best laid plans were laid to rest this weekend when we received CONTINUAL rain from mother nature. What had planned to be a party at home and outdoors, quickly turned into a party at the church activity center!! We did not get to have and do some of the things we had planned to do, but fun was had anyway by all. We played games, went to pioneer school, gathered eggs, went shopping, made rag dolls and ate cake, cheese and crackers with apple slices and lemonade. Each girl received a tin pail with a bandana for her to carry her rag doll, penny candy, wildflower seeds, slates and a loaf of homemade sourdough bread that Grandad Willis made. I heard one say, "This is the best goodie bag ever!!" When I asked Laura Beth how she liked her party, she grinned and said, "I loved it." I think that says it all.
While We Waited
While we waited for all of our friends to get to the party we had different games for everyone to play. We had Little House paper dolls, drop the clothespin game, and roll the hoop. The girls LOVED the hula hoop as they tried to roll them with dowl rods and then did everything else in the world with them.
At School and In the Hen House
The plan was to have a schoolhouse in the yard for the girls to play in. We had bought slates and chalk for each of them and played pictionary. They had fun drawing different pictures, writing words and doing sums. From school, we headed home for chores. We helped Ma gather eggs from the hen house to take to the Merchantile.
Shopping at Olsen's Merchantile
Once we gathered our eggs from the hen house, we went to the Merchantile to trade in our eggs for candy, seeds and fabric. The girls LOVED shopping and going through all the penny candy. We even caught the adults going over and stealing candy from the counter!!!
Making Our Charlotte Rag Dolls
One of the activities we did was to make Charlotte rag dolls. Charlotte was Laura's dear doll that she loved. The girls bought their fabric from Olsen's Merchantile and worked very hard on their own dolls.
Friends from the Party
Laura Beth invited 5 of her dearest little friends and 4 of her dearest BIG friends. She and all the girls (of all ages) had a great time. She also invited Jared and Sasha Gott, a young couple at church, with whom she has grown to love.
Saturday, March 29, 2008

I feel like all I have been writing about is Laura Beth lately. Carter is still alive and keeping us in stiches as usual. The picture is from Tuesday when we were able to go to the FHU baseball game. Carter wanted to dress in full garb. He was so excited to be able to wear the REAL Brian McCann jersey Uncle Richard and Miss Amy gave him for is birthday. As he was dressing from head to toe, he looked at me and said, "I look JUST like Brian McCann, Mom." I told him all he needed was the beard to which he replied (with disgust), "I am NOT the real one, Mom." Today, our senior group at church had a senior rally (like a youth rally but for the senior members). All ages come and help them and we always like to go greet and register everyone that morning. Carter heard we were going to church and, of course, wanted to wear his black suit. However, since it was not for worship, he decided not to wear a tie. He went for the casual suit look. Once he had his outfit set, he picked out Grandad's, who was also greeting with us. They both looked so cute or handsome!! If only everyone looked forward to going to church like Carter and always wanted to bring their best like he does!!!
This is a crazy weekend for us between the senior rally (Damon is still there since he is over it), Makin Music retreat weekend, and, of course, Laura Beth's birthday. I hope to have pics from her party up tomorrow, but time will tell. Keep checking back!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Spring Center Day
On Thursday, I was able to go to Laura Beth's Kindergarten class to help with Spring centers. Katy (Mrs. Kim's daughter) and I were at the egg dying and pattern center. Fun Fun Fun!!!!! Mrs. Kim always sticks me with the great centers like that and we are still friends!!!! Damon was a dear and took half a day off at work so I could go. I appreciate him so much for doing that. I thought you might enjoy some of the pictures from the day (Plus, I wanted to see if I could do a slide show!!!)!! Enjoy!!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
More Kite Day

Thank you to my friend, Suzanne, for taking more pictures at Kite Day yesterday. What a lovely surprise to wake up and find these pictures in my email account!!! They made my day - esp. the one of Laura Beth and her daddy!!! What a blessing friends are!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Let's Go Fly A Kite!!!

Today was Kite Day at Laura Beth's school. Damon, being the amazing dad he is, not only went to Kite Day, but took the camera as well!! What a guy!!!! He reports that a good time was had by all even though today was not the best day for flying a kite. Laura Beth's favorite part was just running (surprise surprise) with the kite as well as playing with friends. Thank you, Damon, dear, for these wonderful pictures!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008

With Easter coming earlier this year, our fears of cold weather coming on Easter were proven true. After having beautiful weather for most of the week, a cold front moved in on Saturday and we put on our winter coats over our Easter clothes. On a good note, thanks to Gran Willis, Laura Beth's dress that I had smocked was finished in time for Easter morning. Isn't it great to have family members with such talents!!! It takes a village!!! Because of the cold weather, we did Easter pictures inside. The kids were good sports, to an extent, and let me take pictures of them all dressed up. Laura Beth was pleased as punch to take Miley to church to "show her off" in their matching dresses. Then, of course, she was more than willing to take pictures. Carter, bless his heart, did not want his picture taken (as you can tell). He has really been suffering with his allergies for the past week and he was having a terrible time with them Easter morning. My son, who usually is picking out his church clothes (always a suit) on Thursday and is always ready to go to the Lord's house every day, did not want to wear his new navy blaser and tie and did not want to go to church. We knew he did not feel well!!! After a wonderful church service, we headed home to house filled with family, honorary family and college kids who were away from home. We bundled up and had 2 egg hunts outside after which we declared it was time to come inside!!! What a blessed day we had!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Dying Easter Eggs

What kind of mother am I? We have never dyed Easter eggs with my kids for one reason or another. For many years, we found ourselves at Lads to Leaders convention over Easter. Then, other times we would be knee deep in Makin Music preparations, but this year none of that was upon us and we took the time to dye eggs this year. I am glad that we did wait because the kids really enjoyed themselves - watching the colors change and decorating them. Laura Beth asked if they would hide the eggs tomorrow. We told her we could, but we would need to find them because they would begin to stink. Therefore, I think she has decided NOT to hide her dyed eggs. I used too big of glasses for the dye, so the egg dippers did not work very well for the kids. They liked putting their hands into the dye!!! Carter declared that Laura Beth was turning into the Wicked Witch of the West!!! Needless to say, we all had a great time and are ready for all the Easter happenings tomorrow will bring.
We Have Lost One of Our Own
Spring Break is suppose to be a time of renewing oneself and getting away from the hustle and bustle of student life. Many of our students at FHU choose to take this time to go on mission trips. I know there were groups going to New Orleans, inner city Mobile, Haiti, Puerto Rico and one group went to see my friends, Cory and Laura Beth Lamb, in the Dominican Republic. On Wednesday, as the group was spending the last day down there at the beach with the children's home, one of FHU's freshmen was washed away. Some of the guys tried to get to him and we understand that our friend, Cory, and one of Damon's co-workers, Joe, may have had a hold of him before another wave got him again. The young man's name was Shane Ruiz. I did not know him, but I am close to his girlfriend, Mary. Even though I did not know Shane, I know people who do know him and I know the kind of people Cory and Laura Beth are and know that everyone is just broken right now. FHU is a wonderful little community where everyone knows everyone. Please keep the Ruiz family, the Phillips family (Mary), Sigma Rho, FHU and those in the Dominican in your prayers during this time. You can check on updates on Laura Beth's blog in my list or at FHU's website. I will post the family's address in the comments if anyone would like to shower them cards.
May God grant everyone involved a peace that surpasses all understanding and comfort that only He can give. To Him be the glory!!
May God grant everyone involved a peace that surpasses all understanding and comfort that only He can give. To Him be the glory!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
On Our Way to the Elite Eight
We have spent the last part of our Spring Break going to and recovering from the NAIA tournament in Jackson, TN. Our Lady Lion basketball team was a 2 seed and we are blessed to be able to go see them when they do play since it is just down the road from us. The kids have been troupers and have been to each game as well - even the 8:00 p.m. game on Thursday night. For each game they have made a sign (which I have failed to take a picture of) for the basketball team. Each one a little different, but with the same message - we love you and good luck. They already have tomorrow's sign planned out to make in the morning. We are so blessed to have such a good group of ladies on this team. Many of them have played at our house with the kids, celebrated holidays and birthdays with us and enjoyed many a Sunday lunch with us. I have always prayed that my children have good role models to look up to and they would choose to look up to these Christian young ladies (and gentlemen) instead of those in the world. With all of that said, we will spend the 3rd night in a row in section P of the Oman Arena cheering our hearts out for our ladies as they try to make it to the Final 4 for the first time in 9 years. Let's go Ladies!!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It is March and I love it!!! I love this time of year even more than I love bowl season in December/January!!! I love March Madness!!! I love watching every game (at the moment I am watching Mt. St. Mary's and Coppin St.) and I LIVE for filling out my brackets - that is right, I fill out more than one usually. I have vowed this year to only fill out one "sheet of integrity" as Golic from Mike and Mike in the Morning says. Just a warning, if a team ever beat Duke, I never cheer for them again, and I pretty much don't like anything from Florida or California. I also think it is rigged this year for UCLA to win!!! Here are my picks - Carmen, I thought of you and Phillip, as I decided to write this!!! So, here we go!!!
East Region - First Round
(1) UNC over whoever they play.
(9) Arkansas over (9) Indiana (I can't believe I did this because I don't like Arkansas - they beat Duke in the finals 1994)
(5) Notre Dame over (12) George Mason
(13) Winthrop over (4) Washington State
(11) St. Joseph's over (6) Oklahoma (husband can't stand Oklahoma, so this one is for him)
(3) Louisville over (14) Boise State
(7) Butler over (10) S. Alabama
(2) Tennessee over (15) American (again, can't believe I did this -ROLL TIDE ROLL!!, but Bruce Pearl is great!!!)
Second Round
(1) UNC over (9) Arkansas (both teams are not my favorites, but I have to be realistic)
(5) Notre Damon over (13) Winthrop
(3) Louisville over (11) St. Joe's
(2) Tennessee over (7) Butler
(1) UNC over (5) Notre Dame (I really want UNC to loose, but . . . . . I would love to throw my bracket away because they have!!!)
(3) Louisville over (2) Tennessee (UT relies on the 3's like my boys, and I don't think it will get them far)
(1) UNC over (3) Louisville
Midwest - First Round
(1) Kansas over (16) Portland
(8)UNLV over (9) Kent State
(12) Villanova over (5) Clemson (They took my boys down in the ACC so they won't make it far)
(4) Vandy over (13) Sienna
(11) Kansas St. over (6) USC
(3) Wisconsin over (14) CS Fullerton
(7) Gonzaga over (10) Davidson (still love Gonzaga)
(2) Georgetown over (15) UMBC (what is a Hoya anyways? We even lived near them!)
Second Round
(1) Kansas over (8) UNLV
(4) Vandy over (12) Villanova
(3) Wisconsin over (11) KSU
(2) Georgetown over (7) Gonzaga
(4) Vandy over (1) Kansas
(2) Georgetown over (3) Wisconsin
(2) Georgetown over (4) Vandy
South - First Round
(1) Memphis over (16) UT- Arlington
(8) Mississippi St. over (9) Oregon
(12) Temple over (5) Michigan State (I think I would cheer for North Carolina over MSU)
(4) Pittsburgh over (13) Oral Roberts
(6) Marquette over (11) Kentucky
(3) Stanford over (14) Cornell
(10) St. Mary's over (7) Miami (don't even get me started on this one!!!!)
(2) Texas over (15) Austin Peay (I am a Texas fan by marriage)
Second Round
(1) Memphis over (8) MSU
(4) Pittsburg over (12) Temple
(3) Stanford over (6) Marquette
(2) Texas over (10) St. Mary's
(4) Pittsburg over (1) Memphis (UM has got to hit their free throws)
(2) Texas over (3) Stanford
(4) Pittsburg over (2) Texas (Pitt was a top 10 team before injuries and I believe they are back. Plus, I told Damon I did not think Texas would make it to the final 4 before I saw the brackets. While I think they might and would not mind if they did, I had to back up my talking!!)
West - First Round
(1) UCLA over (16) MV St.
(9) Texas A&M over (8) BYU (Can't believe I called this one since we do not like the Aggies at all in our house - they are about as bad as UNC!!!)
(12) W. Kentucky over (5) Drake (Who is Drake?)
(4) UConn over (13) San Diego
(11) Baylor over (6) Purdue
(14) Georgia over (3) Xavier
(7) West Virginia over (10) Arizona
(2) DUKE over (15) Belmont (I remember when FHU played Belmont when I was in college. This is crazy seeing them in the NCAA tourney!!!)
Second Round
(1) UCLA over (9) Texas A&M
(4) UConn over (12) WKU
(11) Baylor over (14) Georgia
(2) DUKE over (7) West Virgina
(1) UCLA over (4) UConn
(2) DUKE over (11) Baylor
(1) UCLA over (2) DUKE (This is where I cry because I have my boys losing, but I don't know if we can go all the way this year. Please feel free to prove me wrong, boys!!!)
Final Four
(1) UNC over (2)Georgetown
(1) UCLA over (4) Pittsburg
(1) UCLA over (1)UNC (This year really killed me because I really can't stand either team, but I do think they may be the best around this year. Again, I would love to be proven wrong when it comes to one of these teams!!)
Well, I am ready for Thursday. The kids' DUKE shirts are clean and ready to go. We are ready for basketball, basketball and more basketball!!!!! YAY for March!!!
East Region - First Round
(1) UNC over whoever they play.
(9) Arkansas over (9) Indiana (I can't believe I did this because I don't like Arkansas - they beat Duke in the finals 1994)
(5) Notre Dame over (12) George Mason
(13) Winthrop over (4) Washington State
(11) St. Joseph's over (6) Oklahoma (husband can't stand Oklahoma, so this one is for him)
(3) Louisville over (14) Boise State
(7) Butler over (10) S. Alabama
(2) Tennessee over (15) American (again, can't believe I did this -ROLL TIDE ROLL!!, but Bruce Pearl is great!!!)
Second Round
(1) UNC over (9) Arkansas (both teams are not my favorites, but I have to be realistic)
(5) Notre Damon over (13) Winthrop
(3) Louisville over (11) St. Joe's
(2) Tennessee over (7) Butler
(1) UNC over (5) Notre Dame (I really want UNC to loose, but . . . . . I would love to throw my bracket away because they have!!!)
(3) Louisville over (2) Tennessee (UT relies on the 3's like my boys, and I don't think it will get them far)
(1) UNC over (3) Louisville
Midwest - First Round
(1) Kansas over (16) Portland
(8)UNLV over (9) Kent State
(12) Villanova over (5) Clemson (They took my boys down in the ACC so they won't make it far)
(4) Vandy over (13) Sienna
(11) Kansas St. over (6) USC
(3) Wisconsin over (14) CS Fullerton
(7) Gonzaga over (10) Davidson (still love Gonzaga)
(2) Georgetown over (15) UMBC (what is a Hoya anyways? We even lived near them!)
Second Round
(1) Kansas over (8) UNLV
(4) Vandy over (12) Villanova
(3) Wisconsin over (11) KSU
(2) Georgetown over (7) Gonzaga
(4) Vandy over (1) Kansas
(2) Georgetown over (3) Wisconsin
(2) Georgetown over (4) Vandy
South - First Round
(1) Memphis over (16) UT- Arlington
(8) Mississippi St. over (9) Oregon
(12) Temple over (5) Michigan State (I think I would cheer for North Carolina over MSU)
(4) Pittsburgh over (13) Oral Roberts
(6) Marquette over (11) Kentucky
(3) Stanford over (14) Cornell
(10) St. Mary's over (7) Miami (don't even get me started on this one!!!!)
(2) Texas over (15) Austin Peay (I am a Texas fan by marriage)
Second Round
(1) Memphis over (8) MSU
(4) Pittsburg over (12) Temple
(3) Stanford over (6) Marquette
(2) Texas over (10) St. Mary's
(4) Pittsburg over (1) Memphis (UM has got to hit their free throws)
(2) Texas over (3) Stanford
(4) Pittsburg over (2) Texas (Pitt was a top 10 team before injuries and I believe they are back. Plus, I told Damon I did not think Texas would make it to the final 4 before I saw the brackets. While I think they might and would not mind if they did, I had to back up my talking!!)
West - First Round
(1) UCLA over (16) MV St.
(9) Texas A&M over (8) BYU (Can't believe I called this one since we do not like the Aggies at all in our house - they are about as bad as UNC!!!)
(12) W. Kentucky over (5) Drake (Who is Drake?)
(4) UConn over (13) San Diego
(11) Baylor over (6) Purdue
(14) Georgia over (3) Xavier
(7) West Virginia over (10) Arizona
(2) DUKE over (15) Belmont (I remember when FHU played Belmont when I was in college. This is crazy seeing them in the NCAA tourney!!!)
Second Round
(1) UCLA over (9) Texas A&M
(4) UConn over (12) WKU
(11) Baylor over (14) Georgia
(2) DUKE over (7) West Virgina
(1) UCLA over (4) UConn
(2) DUKE over (11) Baylor
(1) UCLA over (2) DUKE (This is where I cry because I have my boys losing, but I don't know if we can go all the way this year. Please feel free to prove me wrong, boys!!!)
Final Four
(1) UNC over (2)Georgetown
(1) UCLA over (4) Pittsburg
(1) UCLA over (1)UNC (This year really killed me because I really can't stand either team, but I do think they may be the best around this year. Again, I would love to be proven wrong when it comes to one of these teams!!)
Well, I am ready for Thursday. The kids' DUKE shirts are clean and ready to go. We are ready for basketball, basketball and more basketball!!!!! YAY for March!!!
Uncle Richard and Almost Aunt Amy

We had a great time with Richard and Amy this weekend. It was our first time to see them since the engagment. The kids love spending time with them - laughing, tickling and playing ENDLESS games. We are just so blessed that Amy is going to be a part of our family come November. She is such a sweetheart. The kids love playing around with her and officially inducted her into the family this trip. We wish they were closer, but cherish each time we do get to spend with them.
These pictures are taken at Bell's, our local drive-in, where we had lunch on Monday.
These pictures are taken at Bell's, our local drive-in, where we had lunch on Monday.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Just a Note . . . Or Two. . . Or Three

Once the sleeve is complete, you can make the cards to go with it. I get 81/2 x 11 cardstock and use my paper cutter to cut it in half. Take each half and hold it in half to make the card. Using the extra pages of paper you have set aside, cut the paper to cover the front of cards. When the cards are finished (4-6 cards) place them along with envelopes inside the sleeve and you are done.

This is a great craft idea because depending on your level of crafting, you can keep it simple or complex. For the pictures, I used paper from Jenni Bowlin. Her craft kits all coordinate and even come with accessories. I also use Stampin' Up for paper as well as the 6x6 page protectors. You can add stamps to the projects to reflect personality or personalize it for a special friend. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I am getting use to giving written instructions. I am such a verbal person!!!! Enjoy!!!
We Tried to Get Him!!!

We have never really celebrated St. Patrick's Day at our house, but Mrs. Kim, Laura Beth's Kindergarten teacher, changed all of that this year. Laura Beth came home from school on Thursday talking NON-stop about the sneaky little magic creature, the leprechaun.
According to Laura Beth, this little creature had been reaking havic in her classroom all week long. He had left major messes in their classroom while they were at lunch or at p.e. Chairs were on turned upside down and on top of tables. Papers were everywhere, and little green footprints and gold glitter were found going from the story rug to the window. The class set a trap to try to catch the little imp, but when they went to school on Friday, all they found were more footprints, glitter and shamrocks. The little leprechaun was no where to be found. We were told he left a note telling them they could not catch him. This set Laura Beth on a mission. She had originally set out to take the trap to school on Friday, but then she decided that she would keep it at home just incase the leprechaun made a visit to the house on Sunday night/Monday morning. So, for the first time in my life, we made a leprechaun trap. She wanted to cover a box and make it look like his house, so maybe he would be tempted to come in it. After we covered the box, she decorated it with four leaf clovers and rainbows - things I was told leprechauns liked. Sunday night Laura Beth carefully set the trap out and was trying to find something gold to leave out to lure him in. The only thing she could think of was Goldfish crackers. She was so proud of herself because they are called, "Gold fish. Get it Goldfish. Maybe that will trick him!!!" So we put Goldfish crackers around and in the trap, but when we woke up we found that we did not catch the little leprechaun. He busted right through the trap - you could see the outline of his body going right through the box. The kids were a little disappointed that they did not catch him, but were very excited because he, obviously in a hurry, dropped gold coins along the way. What a way to start our Spring Break!!! Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008
Project #2 - Done!!!

Put on your bonnet
and come to the
Little House on Mitchell St.
Laura Beth's
our own "Half Pint's"
6th Birthday!!!
We are closing in on 2 weeks before the big Little House on the Prairie birhday party for Laura Beth. She gets so excited as she talks about all the plans. I had to freehand the bonnet cards because I could not find a pattern I was pleased with. I covered the card with scrapbook paper (from Deals!!) and added a ribbon down the front and down the back. The little girls can untie the bow to find all the information they will need in order to come celebrate us!!
Now that all the projects are done, I can catch up
on scrapbooking during Spring Break. WHEE!!!
Book Review: Peter and the Starcatchers
I am a HUGE fan of children's' literature. My husband has just laughed at me for years because that is all I read. I have branched out over the past year to read some adult Christian fiction books, but my heart still belongs primarily to children's' literature. My friend, Diane, told me about this book Peter and the Starcatchers before Christmas because my 4 year old, Carter, was in a MAJOR Peter Pan phase.
Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson are the co-authors of this book. It has 451 pages separated into 79 easy to read chapters. I have always liked Peter Pan and am sad to say I had never given any thought on how Peter Pan came to be. I just assumed he always was. How did Peter Pan get to never grow up? How did he learn to fly? How was Tinkerbell brought into the story? Where did the crocodile come from? How did Peter Pan and Captain Hook even meet? Mr. Barry and Mr. Pearson go back in time (don't really know how far back) and answer all these questions and more. I was very hesitant about reading a book, a prequel, if you will, about such a beloved story and book. However, these men did a wonderful job writing and telling the story. I can't wait to read this to Carter and Laura Beth in a few years.
Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson are the co-authors of this book. It has 451 pages separated into 79 easy to read chapters. I have always liked Peter Pan and am sad to say I had never given any thought on how Peter Pan came to be. I just assumed he always was. How did Peter Pan get to never grow up? How did he learn to fly? How was Tinkerbell brought into the story? Where did the crocodile come from? How did Peter Pan and Captain Hook even meet? Mr. Barry and Mr. Pearson go back in time (don't really know how far back) and answer all these questions and more. I was very hesitant about reading a book, a prequel, if you will, about such a beloved story and book. However, these men did a wonderful job writing and telling the story. I can't wait to read this to Carter and Laura Beth in a few years.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Carter Hunts Easter Eggs
Today was a special day at Carter's preschool. This is the last day they were there before Easter, so they got to have their Easter egg hunt/party. Arika and Sandy were in charge of this party and Arika was great to take pictures for those of us who were not there. Check out pictures here. Sandy did a great job with the snacks. She made carrots out of gallon ziploc bags and cheetos. Take a look here. Thanks, Arika and Sandy for such a special day!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Project #1 - DONE!!!
When Sunday rolled around, I began to panic. I had a lot of little projects that I wanted to have completed and none of them were getting done. These projects are ones that some people would deem "unnecessary," but to me these projects are things that I and, hopefully, my children will be able to look back upon and smile. It is my desire that my children know how special they are to me and I want to do everything in my power to make their childhood full of very special memories. Sometimes, I have to resign to the fact that I am human and the greatest gift I can give my children at that time is my time. However, when it is humanly possible, I like to go 'all out" as some may call it.
Laura Beth received a My Twinn for Christmas from my mom and dad. This doll is designed to look just like her from head to toe. Many people think it is an American Girl doll, but this is a different company. Along with the doll, Mom and Dad gave her one matching outfit for her and her doll. Damon's mom and dad gave her 3 outfits, so the two can really be twins. Being the crazy person I am, I had the brilliant idea that I would smock them matching dresses for the spring - notice I did not say Easter because I remember that I am human and that probably would not happen!! I love to smock. My dear friend, Stephanie, taught me how 3 years ago, and since then I have smocked 3 dresses. I really have enjoyed the work I have done and, again, I love to smock. I do not like to cut out or sew!! I just like to do the fun stuff. Thankfully, I have been blessed to have one of the dorm moms at FHU to cut out, sew and pleat the dresses for me so all I have to do is the fun part. When I am done, I hand them back to her and she finishes them for me. It is wonderful!!
I bought the fabric a month ago and got the material to Mama Murray in a timely manner. She was faster than I was and I had it back before I knew it was gone. Miley's (Laura Beth's My Twinn) dress was done that week. However, I was baffled at how big Laura Beth's dress was and became intimidated. I put it off and off and finally decided I needed it done by Wednesday. With Laura Beth being sick, I was able to spend time with my girl while I smocked her dress. We watched all sorts of girl movies and Little House on the Prairie and I just smocked away. Every now and then, Laura Beth would snuggle next to me and ask questions about the dress I was making. She even asked if one day I would teach her to smock, to which I replied, "Of course." I have made the call to Mama Murray and the dresses are going to be dropped off tonight. They probably won't be ready by Easter, but that is okay by me. They are done and Laura Beth is pleased as punch that I took the time to make something for her and her special doll.
Now, project #2 - birthday party invitations!!!!
Laura Beth received a My Twinn for Christmas from my mom and dad. This doll is designed to look just like her from head to toe. Many people think it is an American Girl doll, but this is a different company. Along with the doll, Mom and Dad gave her one matching outfit for her and her doll. Damon's mom and dad gave her 3 outfits, so the two can really be twins. Being the crazy person I am, I had the brilliant idea that I would smock them matching dresses for the spring - notice I did not say Easter because I remember that I am human and that probably would not happen!! I love to smock. My dear friend, Stephanie, taught me how 3 years ago, and since then I have smocked 3 dresses. I really have enjoyed the work I have done and, again, I love to smock. I do not like to cut out or sew!! I just like to do the fun stuff. Thankfully, I have been blessed to have one of the dorm moms at FHU to cut out, sew and pleat the dresses for me so all I have to do is the fun part. When I am done, I hand them back to her and she finishes them for me. It is wonderful!!
I bought the fabric a month ago and got the material to Mama Murray in a timely manner. She was faster than I was and I had it back before I knew it was gone. Miley's (Laura Beth's My Twinn) dress was done that week. However, I was baffled at how big Laura Beth's dress was and became intimidated. I put it off and off and finally decided I needed it done by Wednesday. With Laura Beth being sick, I was able to spend time with my girl while I smocked her dress. We watched all sorts of girl movies and Little House on the Prairie and I just smocked away. Every now and then, Laura Beth would snuggle next to me and ask questions about the dress I was making. She even asked if one day I would teach her to smock, to which I replied, "Of course." I have made the call to Mama Murray and the dresses are going to be dropped off tonight. They probably won't be ready by Easter, but that is okay by me. They are done and Laura Beth is pleased as punch that I took the time to make something for her and her special doll.
Now, project #2 - birthday party invitations!!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Meditation 3/10/08
Today's verse to think upon:
"Be imitators of God, therefore, asa dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." - Ephesians 5:1-2
As children of God who are trying to show Jesus to the world, we need to live as Jesus did while He was on this earth. When we are with those who others consider unlovable, undesirable and even those who might be considered loveable and desirable but do not know God, we are to treat them with the love God has for us and how Jesus would have treated them while He was on the earth. The world calls for us to treat them one way and to do things that would be outside God's will and commandments. Hard as it may be, we should look at others - all others - through the eyes of God and love them how God would love them. This is how we can live a life of love His to all of those around us. It will not be easy, but may God bless us as we strive to imitate Him and Son.
"Be imitators of God, therefore, asa dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." - Ephesians 5:1-2
As children of God who are trying to show Jesus to the world, we need to live as Jesus did while He was on this earth. When we are with those who others consider unlovable, undesirable and even those who might be considered loveable and desirable but do not know God, we are to treat them with the love God has for us and how Jesus would have treated them while He was on the earth. The world calls for us to treat them one way and to do things that would be outside God's will and commandments. Hard as it may be, we should look at others - all others - through the eyes of God and love them how God would love them. This is how we can live a life of love His to all of those around us. It will not be easy, but may God bless us as we strive to imitate Him and Son.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
We Didn't Quite Make It
One of the qualities I don't like in people is cockiness. However, I was starting to get a bit cocky about our health this winter. God has blessed us very much with very little sickness this winter. This is a special blessing in and of itself, but especially with Laura Beth's blood counts the way they have been. The doctors told us she could and probably would catch anything. Thank Him, she has not. However, last night she woke us up 2 times not feeling well and had a high fever. We found this morning that she had been sick to her stomach, but did not have the strength to come get us afterwards. This morning she was still running a nice fever and was sick to her stomach once or twice, but I think we are turning a corner. She is starting to feel better, but is still running a fever. We pray that this ends soon and that none of the rest of us catch this. Lysol has been everywhere she has . . . . May God bless you and yours with good health as well.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Let it Snow!! Let it Snow!! Let it Snow!!
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