Saturday, March 8, 2008

We're off to see the Wizard

Well, despite the weather (and my mother's wishes) we all bundled up and headed to see the Chester County High School's version of The Wizard of Oz last night. The kids had been so excited about going because many of our kids from church were in the play and because Wizard of Oz is one of our favorites. The kids sat spellbound as the story we had seen so often on video came to life. The students (ranging in age of 2nd and 3rd graders as the munchkins to seniors in high school) did a wonderful job portraying these very beloved characters. The critics Laura Beth and Carter declared it a success and the scarecrow stole their hearts!!! When the time came for the Lion to come out, Carter moved from Daddy's lap (which was located on the end of the aisle) to Grandad's lap (which was located in the middle of the aisle) for a time being. His verdict, despite our telling him that the lion would be scared of him, is still out on the lion. The part of the play I liked the best was seeing our Natalie Cravens (a 17 year old we have been praying for) take the stage as a poppy and an Ozian less than a month after being declared cancer free. Her mother is the aid in Laura Beth's class and I had her father for a class during college. She was a true testimony of prayers being answered!! The play was close to 3 hours long, but the kids did a wonderful job watching the play. We thought we might just make an early exit, but Laura Beth wanted to be able to see her big friends afterwards. They were troupers!!!
Here's to our favorites - Jared (tin man), Jessica, Anna Catherine, Becky, Kira, Houston (lullaby guild), Candice (lullaby guild), and Jon Michael!!! Great job, guys!!!

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