Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Book Review: Our Father in Heaven, Teach Us to Pray

Cassandra Martin's book Our Father in Heaven, Teach Us to Pray was a wonderful Bible study for me personally. I have been done with it for a few weeks now, but have not taken the time to sit down to write this. Our ladies' class studied it while I was teaching on Wednesday nights, but was given the book for Christmas. I began to study it during my morning Bible time. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I learned so much from it - not only about prayer but about myself as well. The book is set up in 13 weeks. Each week is divided into 4 days of individual studying. Each day is divided into looking into the Bible, looking into your life and looking into how you can change for the better. I loved (but did not like) how the questions in the study made you look and answer honestly how and what you need to change in your prayer life. Each daily lesson took about 15-20 minutes to complete. The last daily lesson was a tribute to Mrs. Martin's PRAY method. She walks you through how to take what you have learned that week and apply it to your prayer life. This book was one of the best studies I have done in a long time. I would highly recommend it to anyone for personal study or group study. May God bless you in your daily striving to glorify and grow closer to Him.

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