My kids are so blessed to have many BIG friends. One of those BIG friends is Houston Holdren. Houston is so good to my kids. She shares her pool in the summer with them. She passes down amazing clothes to Laura Beth. She even let Laura Beth and me go to
High School Musical on Ice with her last year. Not only is she good to the kids, she is a great example to them. She is always thinking of others and doing for others. I thank God for all the great people in my kids' lives. It is making my job as a parent a little easier - at times! Houston and her parents are on their way to New York City for Christmas, so she and her mom ("Aunt Di-Nan") came over for Christmas with us the other day. Carter was thrilled with a St. Louis Cardinals hat and Laura Beth loved her Hannah Montana journal. The kids gave Houston Vera Bradley pencils and highlighters. Thank you, Houston, Uncle Rick and Aunt Di-Nan, for helping make our Christmas bright!!!
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