Today I received my second blogging award from a new gURLfriend, Andrea Leigh (You need to check her out! She is so creative!!!)
The purpose of this award is to give it to someone who is showing gratitude or a good attitude ("if life hands you lemons, made lemonade") within their life or blog.
The rules: put the logo on your blog, nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude, link to your nominees, let them know they have received the award by commenting on their blog, and share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award.
1. Stephanie at Lovin' Every Minute of It!
2. Kori at Life as a CFers Wife
3. Kerri at Latte' Buddies
4. Karin at 6 by His Design
5. Katie at Strawberry Ruckus
6. Amanda at Our House
7. Teresa at Diddle Daddle Designs
8. Arika at "A" thought or two or three
9. Jennifer at Smelling Coffee
10. Melissa at My Life as it Happens
There you go, ladies. Take the award and pass it on! I have enjoyed the blogging world for a year now!!!!! I have met some amazing people and my world has been blessed because of all of you!
Becky! Thank you!!! What an honor. I definitely have made lemonade lately -- and had a big change of heart yesterday when a very good friend told me to snap out of the "feeling sorry for yourself" attitude because it wasn't very attractive. Whew, I listened because I love this word of wisdom friend tons and appreciate what is shared with me. Anyways, I'm off to think about the people I want to pass the award to next. hugs to you!
Kewl! You are a ray of sunshine, Becky!
Thanks Becky, I will pass this along to others. I feel so special.
Thanks so much Becky. Sometimes I need to be reminded to always make lemonade.
You deserve it! Congrats!
Congratulations! I just started reading your blog as a link from Katies's. Thank you for nominating hers. Your prayer list is a great idea.
Thank you for the sourly sweet thoughts ;) I always enjoy your comments - and appreciate your shout out!!!
Many Blessings,
Oh, my goodness! Thank you so much for this blog award! I'm so glad to have "met" you through blogging, and have been blessed as you've shared your heart and life.
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