These two children are!!! They were so good though - sleeping unil after 7:00!! Made my day! We have a crazy tradition in our house which states,
"No one is allowed into the tree room to see what Santa has brought until you hear Christmas music."
This allows all parental and grandparental figures to be in place to see the kids' reaction and the like. So, these two stayed in Carter's room until they heard the music and then the fun continued!

Papa Whittle joined us for the morning to see the kids open presents and to open a few hisself. The kids loved having him there and he enjoyed seeing them as well. Laura Beth found a new guitar and stand along with a CD player, calendar, legos and other goodies from Santa. Carter found a catcher's mitt, catcher's helmet (which he was convinced Santa would not be able to bring him until next year because his head would be bigger) and baseball cards galore! Damon got home improvement gift cards and Wii accessories. I got Wii Fit and a new Bama sweatshirt along with other goodies! Dad got a new drill and Mom got an iron. Papa got some new clothes and I made a scrapbook for him with pictures from his honor flight. It was a great morning topped off with a phone call from the big man himself . . . .
That's right, Santa calls our house each year to talk to the kids. They make us proud by telling him, "Thank you!," as soon as they are on the phone with him. They asked early in the morning if Santa would call again this year and he delivered!! Thank you, Santa! A few hours later, family arrived for a big Christmas dinner. We all enjoyed being together, but especially enjoyed Mary Beth and her first Christmas! I could not stop taking pictures!

We pray God's richest blessings on you and yours this day and throughout the new year. May we all remember His gifts to us each and every day.
that is so fun... I got the Wii Fitt too.... we did it with the boys last night and it was fun.
Love the fact santa called... so cute!!!!
Merry Christmas
I love the "waiting for music" Christmas tradition. We let our kids wander down whenever they'd like and then we enjoy their squeals of excitement from our room! They know better than to even touch the gifts without us being there though. Then they'd be in BIG trouble. :)
Merry Christmas!
What a great idea about the Christmas music and allowing everyone to "get in their places." My parents come over every other year to watch Alise open her presents (because my brother and his family switch up spending Christmas with us and his wife's family every year). The only difference is that I've had to wake her up every time that they've been here. I'm sure there are days coming when we may have to start using the "music" idea!
I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Becky! The Christmas music tradition sounds great! Our kids can see the family room from the landing upstairs, but they have to wait for us to tell them to come down. That is probably the most difficult waiting they do all year!
I loved these precious pictures Becky
What WONDERFUL Christmas morning traditions. I love it!!!
Great pictures!!
sounds like a great christmas, and i love the music idea!
cool blog
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