I Just Want to go Home

Our journey down the yellow brick road is coming to a close. I hope you have enjoyed the lessons and they have blessed you as you are trying to walk more closely with our Father in heaven to reach our heavenly home.
All through the movie, Dorothy kept telling people, “I just want to go home.” She had her focus on her goal – home. We must keep our focus on our goal – heaven – as we travel down our narrow path. Colossians 3:1-3 tells us to "seek things above," and Hebrews 12:2-3 tells us to "fix our eyes on Jesus." We are also to ". . . trust God and He will make our way straight." Proverbs 3:5-6.
There’s No Place Like Home

Dorothy was on her way home. She was on a journey that led her down a winding yellow brick road.
We are on our way home. We are on a journey that will lead us down a narrow path.
Dorothy wanted to find her home so bad that she stayed on that path.
We should want to find our way to our heavenly home that we stay on the path that will lead us there. It is not an easy journey and not everyone will choose to follow or walk with us on this journey, but we know (and should try to show others) the joy that waits for us at the end of the our yellow brick road.
We are on our way home. We are on a journey that will lead us down a narrow path.
Dorothy wanted to find her home so bad that she stayed on that path.
We should want to find our way to our heavenly home that we stay on the path that will lead us there. It is not an easy journey and not everyone will choose to follow or walk with us on this journey, but we know (and should try to show others) the joy that waits for us at the end of the our yellow brick road.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Matthew 7:13-14 (NIV)
Past Lessons:
Lesson One: Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Lesson Two: If I Only Had a Brain
Lesson Three: If I Only Had a Heart and the Nerve
1 comment:
I think we should ALL Follow the Yellow Brick Road! I'm hosting an awesome Gathering of Souls today...please visit and help us "Pay It Forward"!
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