Friday, August 29, 2008

How to Get Your Kids to Sleep in . . . . .

Laura Beth does not have school today. So, Damon and I thought this would be a great morning to let the kids sleep in before visiting cousins this weekend in Nash-vegas. So, we thought, "What can we do to wear them out?" The answer: Let Carter play 3 out of 4 "halves" (as he called them) at his soccer game. He even ran the quarter he was not playing.
We took them down to FHU for the social club mixer. There they were able to see (and. as the picture shows, beat up) their favorite college kids. They ran around playing chase and all sorts of who knows what else with these college kids until 8:30 or so.

We got home, showered and watch the Braves win a game (to which we all did our celebratory dance - more energy put out). Therefore, it was 9:00 or so before we read our Bible story and books for the night. We said our prayers and were asleep in no time at all. I took a Benadryl and reset my alarm from 5:30 to 7:00. I stayed up reading the end of Sense and Sensibility. I just knew we would have a great night's sleep and see a later time on the clock in the morning. . . . .

Until Laura Beth popped into our room at 6:50 declaring her 2nd loose tooth would probably come out today because it feels just like the other one did the morning it came out!! AUUGGHHH!!!! Why can she get up bright and cheerful (and early) on a day she does not have to go to school, but I have to drag her out of bed on the days she does have school?

As for Carter, he walked into the den proudly at 7:16 declaring he had slept in and wasn't I proud of him?!!? Oh, well . . . Maybe they will sleep on the way to Nash-vegas.



Melissa Lester said...

Kids just seem to have endless stores of energy, don't they? I sure hope your Benadryl had worn off before they woke up. Have a great trip!

Tamie said...

when you've got more than one child...they are always on opposites...i've got the same thing with my two boys...those little internal alarms clocks need some way of disableing!
thanks for stopping by my place yesterday, it was great to see you!

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